Working hard to Protect, Promote & Educate our Profession

(866) 269-8486
602 W. Ionia, Ste 209
Lansing, MI  48933

  • 05/16/2023 4:43 PM | M.J. D'Smith (Administrator)

    Wednesday, May 17th
    11:00 am – Noon

    Join SBAM and our expert partners to learn how to reduce your cyber attack risk and find the right cyber liability insurance coverage. SBAM Approved Partners, RiskAssure, SensCy and MAIA Insurance Services will review important details about the challenges small businesses are facing and offer solutions.

    RiskAssureTheir RiskAware tool scans your devices and gains insight into the dollar value of your sensitive data.

    SensCyAssesses your overall cyber risk and helps you implement processes to ensure your cyberhealth plan stays on track.

    MAIA Insurance Services: Educates you on cyber liability insurance and connects you with several carriers to ensure your company obtains accurate, affordable coverage.

    Register Here

  • 05/03/2023 10:44 PM | M.J. D'Smith (Administrator)

    Thanks to MIACCA's persistence in making these reports public through the Michigan Public Service Commission ("MPSC"), Consumers Energy & DTE have submitted their 2022 Value Added Program and Services ("VAPS") annual reports to the MPSC. 

    2022 Consumers Energy VAPS Report.pdf

    2022 DTE Electric VAPS Report.pdf

    2022 DTE Gas VAPS Report.pdf

    You can find any upcoming reports along with any past reports located on our Code of Conduct webpage. 

  • 05/03/2023 10:42 PM | M.J. D'Smith (Administrator)

    Oppose Su's Nomination for Department of Labor

    Please take a moment to participate in ACCA's action alert opposing the nomination of Julie Su as Secretary of the Department of Labor. The Senate is about to hold a confirmation vote on her nomination, and we strongly oppose her appointment. As you may have seen, Su's nomination has just passed out of the Senate Labor Committee and is now headed to a full Senate vote.

    Su's appointment as Secretary of Labor would be detrimental to our industry. She has a problematic track record in her handling of workforce policies in California during the COVID-19 pandemic, and her treatment of independent contractors in the state has been highly criticized. Furthermore, she is a supporter of the PRO Act, which would greatly restrict employers' rights. We are not alone in our opposition to Su's nomination. A wide range of industries have expressed their concerns, and we stand with them in opposing this nomination.

    You can do your part by participating in ACCA's action alert and telling your Senators to vote NO when her confirmation comes to the Senate floor for a vote. By doing so, you can help ensure that our voice is heard and that our concerns about Su's nomination are taken seriously.

    Thank you for your continued support of ACCA and our mission to promote excellence in the HVACR industry. Your participation in this action alert can make a real difference in protecting our industry from the detrimental effects of Julie Su's appointment.


    If you have questions about the Julie Su's appointment, email Chris Czarnecki, ACCA's director of government relations & advocacy, at govt@acca.orgor call 703-575-4477.


  • 04/28/2023 12:32 PM | M.J. D'Smith (Administrator)

    Not all hazards are obvious or easy to recognize even to those who see and face them every day, some are hidden in plain sight. Hidden in the routine things we do every day, hidden in the reactions we have when things don't go as planned. So we all have the responsibility and obligation to not just speak up, but to act, and to always have each other's backs. That means craft professionals, management, customers, design professionals and trade partners have to work together to create a supportive environment, to hear and help one another when it's time to pause, assess, and take charge of anything that could put ourselves or our team in harm's way.

    Find all Safety Week Resources

  • 04/14/2023 1:53 PM | M.J. D'Smith (Administrator)

    Non Members can use the special discount code at the end of the video here!


    April 19, 2023 1-4 p.m. - 11 a.m.Open Member BOD Meeting

    MIACCA 2023 Annual Meeting 

    Bureau of Construction Codes/IRA/Heat Pump Updates

    Lansing Community College West

    Andrew Brisbo, Director of the Bureau of Construction Codes will be here for an update of the adoption of the new state codes and Skilled Trades Regulation Act rules that include new boiler rules, along with experts from these partners!

    Join us for a power session of the latest information on the Inflation Reduction Act and latest Heat Pump incentives, technology and home preparedness with discussion from experts from the National, State, Rebate, Financial, Insurance and Heat Pump sectors.  With all the new changes happening, you will want to make sure you attend this valuable opportunity of information sharing.

    Admission is free for our MIACCA members and up to 3 guests.Non Members $5Or join MIACCA as a contractor members and enjoy the benefit of bringing 3 guests, a free SBAM ($250 value) and Service Roundtable ($300 value) memberships along with discounted insurance rates from Federated for just $300.Sponsorship Opportunities AvailablMore information will be forthcoming as we firm up our speaker line up.  Interested in participating?  Let M.J. know: or 517-763-789Register or Sponsor Here!

    Seating is limited for this event so sign up today!


    1. BCC Update - Andrew Brisbo - Director

    2. MI Saves - Todd Parker IRA Mapping/Rebates

    3. Greenhome Institute - Brett Little - Latest Heat Pump Technologies and IRA incentives

    4. Behler-Young - Tony Pino - Heat Pump systems

    5. FTL Finance - Michael O'Riley - Incentive Financing, IRA/Heat Pumps

    6. Federated Insurance - Zach Juchartz- Employee Retention/WFD

    7. SBAM - Sherry Bryan -  Resources

    8. Q and A

  • 04/13/2023 1:51 PM | M.J. D'Smith (Administrator)

    SBAM'S Spring Survey Participation Request

    Please take a moment to participate in SBAM's Spring Survey.  The results, via press release, will be released in the upcoming weeks that we will share with you.


  • 03/31/2023 8:12 AM | M.J. D'Smith (Administrator)

    President Biden's recently proposed budget includes trillions of dollars in tax increases targeted at small and family-owned businesses.

    Several of the harmful proposals include raising the top rates paid by pass-through businesses, increasing Net Investment Income Tax, making harmful loss limitation rules permanent, imposing a new minimum tax on larger family businesses, and doubling the tax rate on capital gains. These policies would raise top marginal tax rates from 29.6 percent to 57 percent (or even higher when factoring in state taxes).

    Take action today to let your representatives in Congress know why they should oppose these harmful proposals.


    If you have questions about the proposed new taxes, email Chris Czarnecki, ACCA's director of government relations & advocacy, at or call 703-575-4477.


  • 03/24/2023 12:20 AM | M.J. D'Smith (Administrator)

    Free Online Training: MIACCA Membership
    Benefits Through SBAM

    April 12th 10 a.m.

    Did you know that MIACCA membership includes a Premium membership with the Small Business Association of Michigan (SBAM)? Join us to hear SBAM's Sherry Bryan describe 25+ business products and services that can help you attract and retain employees, run your business, save you money and more!  This membership valued at $250 a year!  

    If you are already a member, this is a great way to learn how SBAM's membership benefits are working for you!

    Join us for free by REGISTERING HERE

    This training will be held in conjunction with the Michigan Energy Efficiency Contractors Association (MEECA) where the registration is directed.

  • 03/13/2023 12:01 AM | M.J. D'Smith (Administrator)


    April 19, 2023 1-4 p.m. - 11 a.m. BOD Meeting

    MIACCA 2023 Annual Meeting 

    IRA/Heat Pump Discussion

    Lansing Community College West

    Join us for a power session of the latest information on the Inflation Reduction Act and latest Heat Pump incentives, technology and home preparedness with discussion from experts from the National, State, Rebate, Financial, Insurance and Heat Pump sectors.  With all the new changes happening, you will want to make sure you attend this valuable opportunity of information sharing.

    Admission is free for our MIACCA members and up to 3 guests.

    Non Members $50

    Or join MIACCA as a contractor members and enjoy the benefit of bringing 3 guests, a free SBAM ($250 value) and Service Roundtable ($300 value) memberships along with discounted insurance rates from Federated for just $300.

    Sponsorship Opportunities Available

    More information will be forthcoming as we firm up our speaker line up.  Interested in participating?  Let M.J. know: or 517-763-7892.

    Register or Sponsor Here!

    Seating is limited for this event so sign up today!

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