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MIACCA would like to inform our members of this important Citation Implementation Notice from Keith Lambert, Director of the Bureau of Construction Codes:
August 11, 2020
The Bureau of Construction Codes (BCC) would like to provide you with advance notice that it will begin implementing its authority to issue citations in accordance with MCL 339.553 and MCL 339.5537 to maintain compliance with the Occupational Code, 1980 PA 299, and the Skilled Trades Regulation Act, 2016 PA 407. Individuals licensed/registered as building officials, inspectors, plan reviewers, residential builders, maintenance & alteration contractors, electricians, plumbers, mechanical contractors, and boiler tradesmen may be subject to a citation being issued.
Effective October 1, 2020, a BCC team member may issue a citation to a person that is licensed under 1980 PA 299, or 2016 PA 407, or required to hold a license or certificate under these acts if staff observes from an investigation, inspection, or complaint that conduct or conditions exist or have existed that violate these acts or rules promulgated or orders issued under these acts. Please be advised that citations will not be issued for violations of the code as there are existing remedies to resolve code deficiencies.
The following are a list of violations subject to a citation being issued along with a brief description of conduct or conditions observed, and individuals that may be subject to the citation being issued:
Lack of Identification
Conduct/condition: No proof of licensure and government-issued photo identification.
Individuals: Anyone required to be licensed under 2016 PA 407, specifically: building officials, inspectors, electricians, plumbers, mechanical contractors, and boiler tradesmen.
No Permit Status
Conduct/condition: No documentation of permit where required before work commences.
Individuals: Anyone required to be licensed under 1980 PA 299, or 2016 PA 407, specifically: building officials, inspectors, electricians, plumbers, mechanical contractors, residential builders, maintenance & alteration contractors, and boiler tradesmen.
Unregistered Apprentice
Conduct/condition: Non-licensed individual on worksite assisting with electrical or plumbing work.
Individuals: Anyone required to be registered under 2016 PA 407, specifically: apprentice electricians and apprentice plumbers.
Operation of a Boiler Without a Valid Certificate
Conduct/condition: Boiler found operating with a certificate blocking violation and existing code deficiencies that are not corrected.
Individuals: Anyone responsible for the boiler.
Any citation issued will include actions required for compliance along with the payment of a fine not to exceed $100.00 for each violation. Please note that a citation can either be accepted or contested within 30 days of issuance. If you have any questions concerning this notification, please contact us at 517-241-9302 or
We sincerely appreciate your attention and any concerns you may have regarding this matter.
Keith Lambert, Director
Bureau of Construction Codes
Cyber Risk Management Webinar
When? Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. CST
What? Hardly a day goes by that we don't hear about a security breach or incident involving the loss of sensitive data to outside influence or "hackers." We will discuss several layers of risk management that could or should be implemented to reduce a business's exposure, as well as coverage options available to transfer this risk to an insurance carrier. Cyber-crime is the fastest growing and most dynamic exposure in business today and we'll address strategies to minimize the risk. What you will learn:
Register for Webinar
Please see the below public notice of hearing from the Bureau of Construction Codes. You may view the proposed changes to Part 9a Mechanical Code on the MIACCA website by Clicking Here.
Part 9a. Mechanical Code (ORR# 2019-131 LR)
The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Bureau of Construction Codes, will hold a public hearing on the amendments for the Part 9a. Mechanical Code. The public hearing will be held virtually using Zoom on August 27, 2020, at 9:00 am. Currently, Executive Order 2020-154 is in effect to provide temporary authorization of remote participation in public meetings to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by participating social-distancing measures and continues through September 8, 2020.
The amendments of the Part 9 a. Mechanical Code are proposed to take effect 120 days after filing with the Secretary of State. The proposed rule set (2019-131 LR) will adopt by reference the 2018 edition of the International Mechanical Code (IMC) with amendments, deletions, and additions deemed necessary for use in Michigan. The 2018 edition of the International Mechanical Code is based on mechanical principals used in mechanical codes across the country. The Part 9a. Mechanical Code also includes rules that amend the IMC to address mechanical practices that are specific to Michigan and that delete those requirements in the IMC that do not pertain to Michigan.
The proposed rules will be published in the August 15, 2020, Michigan Register. You may download a free copy of the proposed amendments by visiting the Bureau's website at
Oral comments may be presented in-person over Zoom on August 27, 2020. Whether a public meeting is held in-person or remotely, written comments can always be submitted by email no later than 5:00 p.m., August 27, 2020 to
All members of the public may attend and participate in this meeting by visiting the following link or dialing the number below at the time of the meeting. If you would like to speak at the meeting, please email with your name and who you are representing by August 26, 2020, so an attendance list for the speakers can be made.
Web Link:
Phone Number: (877) 873-8017
When prompted, please enter the following Password / Conference Code: 109987.
The meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. All participants may access the meeting at the above web link or phone number 15 minutes before it begins.
Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Administrative Services Division
Telephone (517) 582-5519
Many utilities have submitted their 2019 VAPS annual reports to the Michigan Public Service Commission. Visit the MIACCA Code of Conduct Page to review reports submitted by DTE,Consumers Energy and Michigan Gas Utility. As more reports become available, we will post them on on our page.
Energy Rebates that are easy to process and drive more sales!
Consumers Energy is accepting new distributors to participate in their Business Instant Discount Program to provide rebates over the counter at time of sale. Participating distributors will also qualify to earn large bonus incentives (up to $30,000/qtr for Gas Measures and $70,000/qtr for Electric Measures) and other rewards programs available for limited time.
Click here for brochure listing currently available incentives. To enroll or inquire further, contact Todd Lohenry 517-512-0144 ( or Brandon Scott 517-243-1070 (
Webinar: Three Winning Strategies to Become the Preferred Contractor in Your Area
Register Here
The Construction Code Commission (CCC) met on July 22, 2020, and MIACCA's proposed statewide permit was on the agenda and discussed. MIACCA's Executive Director once again advocated the need for the CCC to prescribe the form on which all permits are to be applied for while allowing each authority having jurisdiction to set their own fees. The CCC and the Bureau of Construction Codes (Bureau) acknowledged the Director Hawks' response to MIACCA's Request for Declaratory Ruling on this subject; which indicated that the CCC has the statutory authority to prescribe such permit forms. After much discussion the CCC has decided to start the process of coming up with statewide permit forms by asking for feedback from stakeholders and municipalities. The Bureau made an initial suggestion to include the statewide permit forms as part of the upcoming code change cycles in 2020-2021. MIACCA would like more detail on how to include permit forms with the new codes when the CCC needs to approve the permit forms and the Director adopts the new codes.
MIACCA will be following the progress of this very closely as we are strong advocates of having a uniformed mechanical permit form across the state for our contractors.
Governor Whitmer Takes Swift Action to Save Lives, Signs Executive Order Requiring Mask Use in all Indoor Public Spaces
Following uptick in COVID-19 cases, Governor Whitmer Says “Mask Up, Michigan!”
LANSING, Mich. -- Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed executive order 2020-147, which reiterates that individuals are required to wear a face covering whenever they are in an indoor public space. It also requires the use of face coverings in crowded outdoor spaces. Most significantly, the order requires any business that is open to the public to refuse entry or service to people who refuse to wear a face covering, with limited exceptions. Governors in the states of Kansas, Maine, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Washington have imposed similar requirements on businesses.
Governor Whitmer signed this executive order in response to rising COVID-19 cases in Michigan and across the country. Executive Order 2020-147 reinforces and expands upon the governor’s previous executive orders on safely restarting Michigan’s economy and ensuring workplace safety.
“The heroes on the front lines of this crisis have gone hours without taking their masks off every day – doctors, nurses, child care workers, grocery store workers. We owe it to them to wear our masks when we’re on a trip to the grocery store or pharmacy,” said Governor Whitmer. “Masks can reduce the chance of spreading COVID-19 by about 70 percent. By wearing masks, we can save lives and protect our family, friends, and neighbors from the spread of COVID-19. And by wearing masks now, we can put our state in a stronger position so our kids can return to school safely in the fall. For the sake of your loved ones, let’s all mask up, Michigan.”
Over the past week, every region in Michigan has seen an uptick in new cases, and daily case counts now exceed 20 cases per million in the Grand Rapids, Detroit, and Lansing regions. Research confirms that a big part of the reason is spotty compliance with the governor’s requirement, issued in prior orders, that individuals wear face coverings in public spaces.
Studies have shown that wearing a mask can save lives and significantly lover an individual’s chance of spreading COVID-19. A study on different regions in Germany, for example, suggests that the adoption of mandatory mask ordinances decreased the daily growth rate of COVID-19 infections by 40%. Modeling from the University of Washington similarly indicates that more than 40,000 lives would be spared nationwide if 95% of the population wore a mask while in public. Furthermore, a study conducted by Goldman Sachs concluded that a federal mask mandate could save the U.S. economy from taking a 5% hit to our GDP.
“Michigan's fight against COVID-19 is nowhere near over, which is why it’s so important that we all do our part and wear masks when we’re out in public,” said Chief Medical Executive and DHHS Chief Deputy for Health Dr. Joneigh Khaldun. “Wearing a mask or face covering can significantly decrease the chance of spreading COVID-19 and save lives. It’s important that all Michiganders wear masks properly - not down around the neck, not only over the mouth, but correctly over the mouth and nose. Please everyone stay patient, and remain vigilant.”
Under the governor’s order, businesses that are open to the public must refuse entry and service to individuals who fail to comply, and must post signs at all entrances instructing customers of their legal obligation to wear a face covering while inside. Those who are exempt from wearing a mask in Michigan businesses include people younger than five years old, those who cannot medically tolerate a face covering, and those who are eating or drinking while seated at a food service establishment.
The executive order takes effect at 12:01am on Monday, July 13. A willful violation of the order is a misdemeanor subject to a $500 criminal penalty, but no term of confinement may be imposed on individuals who violate the mask requirement. No individual is subject to penalty under the order for removing a mask while engaging in religious worship at a house of religious worship, although consistent with guidance from the CDC, congregants are strongly encouraged to wear face coverings during religious services.
To view Executive Order 2020-147, click the link below:
Read the June 2020 Newsletter Here
CodeNotes: Nail salon exhaust requirements in the I-Codes
The design of exhaust systems is extremely important to the occupants of a building. There are specific occupancies and activities — including manicure tables and pedicure stations — that have the potential for introducing hazardous substances into the indoor environment. Nail salons are one such occupancy. There are approximately 200,000 nail salons in the U.S. utilizing manicure and pedicure stations. These types of activities use chemicals like acetone, isopropyl alcohol and formaldehyde that may be exposed to the atmosphere when the station is not in use. To maintain safety to workers and customers, the fumes from these chemicals must be removed from the space. Section 502.20.1 Operation was added to the 2021 IMC to help accomplish this. Read more