Working hard to Protect, Promote & Educate our Profession

(866) 269-8486
602 W. Ionia, Ste 209
Lansing, MI  48933

  • 10/30/2020 3:11 PM | M.J. D'Smith (Administrator)

    Gov. Whitmer and LARA remind Michiganders to check carbon monoxide detectors ahead of cold weather

    With temperatures dropping and Daylight Savings Time to turn back the clocks on Nov. 1, Michiganders are encouraged to take action in preventing carbon monoxide poisoning.

    To bring more attention to a potentially life-threatening issue, Governor Gretchen Whitmer has declared Oct. 26 – Nov. 1, 2020 as Carbon Monoxide Safety Awareness Week.

    Symptoms of carbon monoxide overexposure can include headache, fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea and confusion. High levels of carbon monoxide can cause death within minutes.

    If you suspect you may be experiencing carbon monoxide poisoning, or your detector alarm sounds an alert, immediately get to fresh air by going outside, then call 911.

    "Carbon monoxide poisoning can occur almost anywhere and I hope Michiganders take this time to prepare and prevent this life-threatening issue," said Governor Whitmer. "Awareness about carbon monoxide safety is a top priority, and Michiganders are encouraged to learn about this poisonous gas and ensure homes and appliances are maintained to protect themselves and loved ones against possible poisoning."

    "To prepare for winter weather, Michiganders should make sure their heat sources and carbon monoxide detectors are in good working order," said Orlene Hawks, director of the Dept. of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. "Being aware of the dangers of carbon monoxide and having a working carbon monoxide alarm is essential to keeping your family safe."

    Every year, about 140 people are hospitalized with carbon monoxide poisoning in Michigan. Across the United States, thousands are poisoned and at least 430 people die from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning.

    In 2017, the latest year data is available from the MDHHS Michigan Environmental Public Health Tracking Program (MiTracking), 126 people were hospitalized.

    "Working carbon monoxide detectors save lives," said State Fire Marshal Kevin Sehlmeyer. "Only 1 in 8 families in the United States have a functioning carbon monoxide detector. Michigan residents should install a detector today to protect our loved ones from the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless and poisonous gas known as the 'Invisible Killer; it requires an electronic sensor to detect."

    Hospitalizations for carbon monoxide poisoning are preventable so long as people are prepared.

    To protect yourself and your family from carbon monoxide, MDHHS recommends following these safety tips:

    ·Make sure you have working carbon monoxide detectors. Detectors on every level of your home, including the basement, are strongly recommended. Detectors can be purchased at most hardware and big box stores. Daylight Savings Time is a good time each year to replace the batteries in your detector and push the "Test" button to be sure it's working properly. Replace your detector every five years or according to manufacturer's instructions. Use a battery-powered detector where you have fuel burning devices but no electric outlets, such as in tents, cabins, RVs and boats with enclosed cabins.

    · Have your furnace or wood-burning stove inspected annually. Hire a professional to make sure it is functionally sound and vents properly outside the home.

    · Never run a gasoline or propane heater or a grill (gas or charcoal) inside your home or in an unventilated garage. Any heating system that burns fuel produces carbon monoxide.

    · Generators should be run at a safe distance (at least 20 feet) from the home. Never run a generator in the home or garage or right next to windows or doors.

      Never run a car in an enclosed space. If a vehicle is running, you must have a door open to the outside.

    In addition, Michiganders are reminded to install smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors on every floor in your home, push the button to test them regularly, change all alarm batteries every 6 months, and replace alarms after 10 years.

  • 10/29/2020 1:28 PM | M.J. D'Smith (Administrator)

    Michigan K-12 Public School HVAC Assistance Program

    Michigan licensed HVAC contractors are encouraged to be apply to the Michigan K-12 Public School HVAC Assistance Program (link) for assisting schools with recommendations to reduce infectious aerosol transmission via the heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems.  Participating HVAC contractors complete a program provided onsite HVAC inspection checklist, at pre-approved K-12 public school buildings, to generate a recommendation report with cost estimates for implementation. 

    The maximum award is $15,000 per applicant, with a maximum payment of $1,500 per completed checklist report.  Awards will be given on a first come, first served basis until funding is depleted.  Michigan licensed HVAC contractors can apply by completing a brief online application (link). 

    Additional information is available on the Michigan K-12 Public School HVAC Assistance Program website (link).  Questions can be directed to David Herb, EGLE Energy Services at

  • 10/18/2020 5:03 PM | M.J. D'Smith (Administrator)

    Sent on behalf of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)

    As the fall and flu seasons begin, the number of positive COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in Michigan have recently trended upward, prompting a call from public health officials to increase vigilance and preventative measures. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), hospitals, and local health officials are calling on all residents to take simple steps to prevent a surge in COVID-19 cases that could overwhelm the hospital systems.

    "Michiganders did a great job of bringing our cases down after a surge in the spring," said Dr. Joneigh Khaldun, MDHHS chief medical executive and chief deputy for health. "Basic things like wearing masks, maintaining a physical distance from others and washing hands worked. Yet as the colder months and flu season have arrived, we now see a concerning jump in our cases – a trend we can reverse if we all take this seriously and follow best practices to slow the spread of COVID-19."

    The recent increase in cases, along with people gathering indoors more frequently due to cooler weather, creates a risk of greater community spread. To protect against the risk of a devastating surge in cases and its impact on Michiganders, MDHHS has issued additional Emergency Orders to clarify gathering definitions, capacity restrictions, mask requirements and worker protections. This recent increase should remind us all to refocus on preventing the spread of COVID-19.

    In addition to rising cases across the state, more tests are coming back positive and more residents are being hospitalized compared to previous weeks. Currently, Michigan has 89 daily cases per million people, 3.6 percent of tests are positive and there are 698 COVID-19 hospitalizations. This is compared to the same point last week when the following numbers were reported: 81.6 daily cases per million people, 3.4 percent positivity and 586 hospitalizations.

    Wearing masks, practicing social distancing, washing hands, and participating in contact tracing with public health officials are proven, effective ways to slow the spread of this virus.

    As Michigan works to safely reopen, it is important to remember that does not mean that the virus is gone, or the risk of infection is less. Scientists and doctors agree that masks and face coverings can help to reduce the spread by about 70 percent. And further, not feeling ill is not a sign that you are not infected – the reality is that about 40 percent of people who have COVID-19 may be asymptomatic and capable of spreading the virus to others. Although many people getting infected with COVID-19 this fall are not needing to be hospitalized, it still important that we wear masks and socially distance to prevent people who will have severe disease from getting infected.

    Information around this outbreak is changing rapidly. The latest information is available at and

  • 10/05/2020 10:34 AM | M.J. D'Smith (Administrator)

     MIACCA's Efforts on Bill, Which Would Allow Contractors Reasonable Work Experience Credit, Passes Senate and Heads to the House 

    SB 827 was passed by Senate roll call on September 30th with 38 yeas and 0 nays  It was then referred to the House Regulatory Reform Committee.  

    This bill is important to the HVAC industry as it will continue the long standing safety practice of having employers attest to an applicant's mechanical work experience; and provide for a reasonable work experience credit for those who goes to school to learn a skilled trade and successfully completes a recognized HVAC trade school, community college, or university program.  

    MIACCA encourages you to reach out to to these House Regulatory Reform Committee members  of this committee in your district and encourage them to introduce the bill to the House of Representatives: 

    Michael Webber (R) Committee Chair, 45th District

    Ryan Berman (R) Majority Vice-Chair, 39th District

    Kathy Crawford (R), 38th District

    Diana Farrington (R), 30 District

    Ben Frederick (R), 85th District

    Michele Hoitenga (R), 102nd District

    Graham Filler (R), 93rd District

    Matt Hall (R), 63rd District

    Pauline Wendzel (R), 79th District

    John Chirkun (D) Minority Vice-Chair, 22nd District

    Frank Liberati (D), 13rd District

    Sara Cambensy (D), 109th District

    Jewell Jones (D), 11st District

    Alex Garza (D), 12nd District

    Cynthia Neeley (D), 34th District

    Molly Wingrove, Committee Clerk

    MIACCA would like to thank it's members, Roger Mullennix of Williams Distributing, Ken Misiewicz, of Pleune Service Company, Doug Young of Behler-Young,, Glenn VerMurlen, Michigan Building & Mechanical Inc and Phil Forner of Allendale Heating Company for their efforts in reaching out to Senators to get this in front of the Senate Regulatory Reform Committee. 

    A special thanks to Senator Roger Victory and his staff for introducing the bill and their efforts in getting this passed and to Senator Aric Nesbitt for getting the bill heard before the committee.

    Another way MIACCA is working for you.  We will continue to keep you posted on the progress.

  • 09/23/2020 1:08 PM | M.J. D'Smith (Administrator)

    On Thursday, September 17th, MIACCA submitted these comments on behalf of our members:

    The Michigan Air Conditioning Contractors Association (MIACCA), would like to submit the following public comments in regards to Part 5. Residential Code (ORR# 2019-118 LR) : MIACCA requests that the Bureau to remove, in its entirety, the Section R105.2(c)(xi) exemption which states (xi) When changing or relocating a gas meter or regulator, a permit is not required when installing gas piping which shall be limited to 10 feet (3 005 mm) in length and not more than 6 fittings.

    MIACCA requests that as an alternative to removing Section R105.2(c)(xi) entirely, that the Bureau considers replacing Section R105.2(c)(xi) with the proposed following language: (xi) When changing or relocating a gas meter or regulator, a permit is not required when installing gas piping OUTDOORS which shall be limited to 10 feet (3.005 mm) in length and not more than 6 fittings.

    Therefore, MIACCA respectfully requests that Section R105.2(c)(xi) be either removed in its entirety and alternatively replaced with the proposed language, suggested in the above paragraph, and requiring mechanical permits, gas leak testing and mechanical inspections by the third party authority having jurisdiction when gas meters are relocated in residences that includes gas piping after the meter being redone and or installed. If mechanical permits are required for other gas piping done in a residence, then so should the gas piping done when relocating a gas meter.

    We appreciate the opportunity to comment on this and hope that you will strongly consider our suggestions, as we believe it is to the benefit of the profession and our members.


  • 09/17/2020 7:57 PM | M.J. D'Smith (Administrator)

    The September Trades Connection is available HERE. 

  • 09/11/2020 9:40 AM | M.J. D'Smith (Administrator)

    Webinar: Leading Forward - Workplace Controversies

    When? Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. CST

    What?  In this webinar, we will address key issues such as returning to work after a pandemic-related shutdown or slow down; adjusting to the shift to remote work; workplace violence and weapons issues; and how to avoid unexpected risks of discrimination claims as your organization navigates the impact of social justice issues and the pandemic on its workforce and customers.  We will provide practical tips you can use today to lead from the front and reduce risk.


  • 09/08/2020 9:46 AM | M.J. D'Smith (Administrator)

     Service World Expo Free Virtual Trade Show

    Sept 22-24, 2020


    Service World Expo is making a major pivot, company officials announced. The show is still on, but based on the responses of a survey of prior attendees the show will not be physical. It will be virtual, but a different kind of virtual, powered by incredibly robust and creative software. Imagine Service World Expo as a video game.

    "In 2020, people have become so accustomed to virtual meetings that they are now boring, passé," said Service Roundtable president, Matt Michel. "That will not be the case with Service World. This will not be a glorified webinar. It is not another Zoom call. It is a true virtual event. As such, it will be virtually unlimited. It will be science fiction virtual. It will be like something you would expect from a video game or from a movie. It will be unlike any virtual show seen in the service trades to date. Service World Expo is making a major investment to bring contractors and exhibitors the industry's most exciting event in 2020."

    Each day will start with a general session and a keynote speaker. The keynotes are Phoenix contractor Lou Hobaica; motivational speaker, Kevin Brown; and Service Roundtable president, Matt Michel. Breakouts follow the general session. The trade show follows breakouts. The same speakers who were lined up for breakouts in the physical show will give the breakouts for the virtual event. Each speaker will go to a virtual room after the presentation to answer questions.

    The trade show will blow attendees away. A number of booths will be able to use virtual reality and augmented reality. Attendees will be able to immerse themselves in one of these booths and get a 360-degree panorama. They will be able to see products in three dimensions and walk around them, just like a real show.

    Click here for More info and to Register

  • 09/08/2020 9:17 AM | M.J. D'Smith (Administrator)

     Interested in saving an average of 15% or more on your facility's energy costs? Join Consumers Energy experts to learn how by enrolling in Retro-Commissioning Programs. These programs include several offerings designed to improve the energy efficiency of existing buildings, often at little to no cost.

    Every building uses energy uniquely. Retro-Commissioning Programs aim to find your building's hidden energy saving potential through free assessments. During the assessment, our experts uncover energy waste reduction opportunities and give you an actionable plan to reduce energy and save money.

    Our teams will support you every step of the way to help your facility reopen safely by following ASHRAE (industry standard) guidelines all while saving your business energy and money. Additionally, Consumers Energy is offering bonus incentives for a short time, which further serves to help in these uncertain times.

    Webinar Purpose: To educate contractors and trade allies on the new RCx offering, Building Tune Up, review the other RCx programs (Facility IQ and Defined Actions), and review the bonus incentives available (now extended through October 31, 2020).

    Webinar Presenters: Audrey Ewen, Building Tune-Up; John Nametz, Facility IQ and Defined Actions; Kevin Coleman, technical Q&A.

    Sep 16, 2020 11:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)

  • 08/28/2020 1:23 PM | M.J. D'Smith (Administrator)


    COMMITTEE:                    Senate Committee on Regulatory Reform

    DATE:                                   Tuesday, September 1, 2020

    TIME:                                   3:00 p.m.

    LOCATION:                        Harry T. Gast Appropriations Room
    3rd Floor, Capitol Building
    100 S. Capitol Avenue
    Lansing, MI 48933

    CONTACT:                          Mike Sitkauskas, Committee Clerk
    (517) 373-5314


    HB 4686  Rep. Berman           Gaming; casinos; removal of name from disassociated persons list; allow.

    HB 5339  Rep. Webber           State financing and management; escheats; access to certain unclaimed property account information and distribution of certain unclaimed property to locators; modify.

    HB 5340  Rep. Byrd               State financing and management; escheats; contracts with certain locators; modify.

    HB 5602  Rep. Wakeman       Construction; permits; low-voltage electric fence requirements; modify.

    SB 986     Sen. McBroom       Occupations; construction; individuals allowed to engage in business or act in capacity of residential builder without a license; expand.

    SB 827     Sen. Victory           Occupations; mechanical contractors; minimum experience requirement to take written license examination; modify.

    SB 1057   Sen. VanderWall    Medical marihuana; licenses; proof of financial responsibility criteria; modify.

    SB 1058   Sen. Wojno             Medical marihuana; other; references to medical marihuana licensing board; replace with marijuana regulatory agency.

    And any other business properly before the committee.

    Due to concerns regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19), audience seating will be extremely limited. We encourage individuals who attend meetings to take precautionary measures and practice safe social distancing. For those wishing to present their positions/testimony, written statements are encouraged and can be submitted to the committee clerk prior to meetings at Please contact the committee clerk with any additional questions.

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