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New State Executive Order Impacts our Industry

08/23/2024 3:22 PM | M.J. D'Smith (Administrator)

Governor Whitmer signed the new Executive Order 2024-EO-05 on July 18, 2024.  With the new order comes some important changes to our industry.  Two very important changes MIACCA would like to make you aware of are:

  1. Board of Boiler Rules:  This board has been abolished.

  2. Board of Mechanical Rules:  Replacing the former board members, the board will now consist of eleven appointed members: 

(A) One member who represents the general public; 

(B) One member who is an HVAC professional licensed under Article 8, MCL 839.5801 et seq.; 

(C) One member who is a fire suppression professional licensed under Article 8, MCL 339.5801 et seq.; 

(D) One member who is a refrigeration professional licensed under Article MCL 339.5801 et seq.; 

(E) One member who is a professional mechanical engineer; 

(F) One member who is a mechanical inspector of a governmental subdivision; 

(G) One member who is a water tube or fire tube boiler manufacturer; 

(H) One member of organized labor who represents the mechanical trades; 

(I) One member of organized labor who represents a relevant trade in this state; 

(J) One member who represents organized labor in this state that engages in the design, erection, fabrication, installation, operation, repair, or inspection of boilers; and 

(K) One member who is a mechanical contractor with experience in boiler installation, piping, operations, and repair, or a member who represents owners and users of power boilers that operate at least 1,000 pounds-force per square inch. 

The new State Executive Order abolishes these members: Public utility, chief mechanical inspector of the governmental subdivision who enforces the building officials and code administrators building code, chief mechanical inspector of a governmental subdivision who enforces the international conference of building officials building code, 

The order also abolishes: The seats of a representative from each of the work classifications described in MCL 339.5807(2):

(a) Hydronic heating and cooling and process piping.

(b) HVAC equipment.

(c) Ductwork.

(d) Refrigeration.

(e) Limited heating service.

(f) Limited refrigeration and air conditioning service.

(g) Unlimited heating service.

(h) Unlimited refrigeration and air conditioning service.

(i) Fire suppression.

(j) Specialty.

The new order essentially combinine the Board of Boiler Rules and Board of Mechanical Rule.  While it may help increase board participation and does broaden the Board of Mechanical rules by adding boiler worker perspectives, it does remove a valuable resource board for contractors specializing in the intricacies of the boiler industry. 

MIACCA feels the removal of representatives from the above work classifications a, c, e, f, g, h and j is invalid as it eliminates valuable input from these specific experts.  The addition of three labor organization representatives is not valid and gives us pause for concern as these organizations have more pull, deeper pockets and more voices at the table for union advocacy.  MIACCA feels the order's decision to remove the utility company representation seat is valid. 

If you have any questions, email M.J. at

MIACCA will continue to monitor these changes, on your behalf.

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