Consumers Energy & DTE have submitted their 2021 Value Added Program and Services ("VAPS") annual reports to the Michigan Public Service Commission ("MPSC"). Visit the MIACCA Code of Conduct Page to view their Reports.
Consumers Energy's Appliance Service Plan ("ASP") gross sales amount for its breakdown insurance was $78,883,813 and the total amount of "Cost of Goods Sold" "Material & labor (including labor overheads)" was $31,243,060, leaving a gross margin of $47,640,753.
DTE's Home Protection Plus ("HPP") gross sales amount for its breakdown insurance was $92,906,468 and the total amount of "Cost of Goods Sold" "Material & labor (including labor overheads)" was $64,334,250, leaving a margin of $28,572,218.
These combined utility activities roughly represents $77,502,682 of repair business that HVAC contractors who are not affiliated with the utilities, did not do in 2021. This is a significant increase of approximately $27 million from 2020.
Originally some of the annual VAPS reports were filed confidentially and after MIACCA advocated to the MPSC that they be readily available to the public, the annual reports began to be filed non-confidentially. MIACCA will continue to provide these annual VAPS reports to our members. Current and past VAPS annual reports are both found on our Code of Conduct Page.