Bureau of Construction Codes Update
Executive Director, M.J. D'Smith was in attendance at the following commission and board meetings, on behalf of our MIACCA members. Here is her report of those meetings.
Board of Boiler Rules - April 5, 2022
Election of Officers: Officers will remain the same. Chair-Michael Horton, Vice.Chair- Chris Lanzon and Secretary-Garrett Jackson
Audit Findings: Director Keith Lambert discussed the audit report. He brought up the amount of boilers that have yet to be inspected and the timeliness of completing inspections. This audit did not separate the Insurance company inspections v the State's.
Are penalties enforced? They do not have the resources to enforce the $500/day 30 days in jail penalty that is stated.
CSD-1 Reporting: It was pointed out that CSD-1 certifications are not recognized by the State. The Michigan Boiler Rules, Rule number R 408.4027 states that an individual must have specific classifications (parts 5 or 6) on their mechanical license to perform CSD-1 boiler services.
Owners need to be aware that CSD-1 inspections need to be done. The word to get these reports posted in the boiler room needs to be expressed.
Invoicing/Inspection Practices: Boilers are under the building owner. The state has no way to contact those who have moved or sold the business to follow up with inspections. The BCC would like to find a way to tie the boiler into the actual building, via deed/title. May work with Real Estate division to investigate legislation changes.
There is currently $175k in outstanding invoices, mostly from boiler certifications that are waiting to be paid. It was pointed out that the Chief of Detroit will be giving a 30-60 day notice and then take the party to court. The State of Texas, along with others has a separate enforcement division making it easier to collect.
Boiler Division Report: A new inspector was just hired for the U.P. He is located in Escanaba and will cover the entire U.P. for now. SE MI will be in need as the inspector is leaving April 15th due to pay, benefits and vehicle expense. Michigan is competitive with other states, including CA, but the BCC will be reevaluating this. They currently cannot compete with the insurance companies.
Public Comment: MIACCA Member, Ken Misiewicz of Pleune Service Company, stated the need for the board to restructure the notifying the owners first of a violation to bring it first to the company, as with other commissions/boards. The ability for the company to contact the owners and fix the violation first can smooth out customer relations and establish trusting work relations.
Next Meeting: July 26, 2022
Construction Codes Commission - April 13, 2022
Election of Officers: The vacant position of Vice Chair was filled by Mark Lee.
Code Update: The Michigan Energy Code parts 10 and 10a public comments are currently being reviewed. There will be a public hearing on this, the 2021 residential code and skilled trades act.
BCC Update: Director Lambert briefly talked about the audit. He stated that the BCC will be promoting the skilled trades workforce at a job fair event at the Earle Heratio Center on May 12th. The event will be held live 9-3 and again virtually 3-7 that day. He stated that more information will be forthcoming.
Next Meeting: July 20, 2022